Our World
I love this cartoon. Isn't this our world!? Hey, face it. Technology is here to stay. My dad is a college professor. He is retired from his profession in Marketing and Management, and now teaches these courses face-to-face and online. He has recently asked me to show him "how to work social media." He says it's everywhere and he needs to learn it because he feels stupid! Okay, okay, that's a little dramatic. Social media is not that difficult, right?He says he needs to learn Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. He said he got on Facebook the other day and looked around. I chuckled, "you have a Facebook page?" He said, "yes, everyone wants to be my friend!"
I'm far from being a pro, but I asked him what he needs this for. He's needing to integrate this into his classes, because after all, he does teach Marketing. I explained to him the endless resources I find from educators on all of these sites. I also told him about the live chats we have every Wednesday afternoon on certain topics. He was interested in all of this!
My cousin works for Fox Sports as the Marketing Manager in Social Media. This is her actual job! What I find surprising is that there is enough material to market over social media that a company can make this a full time position! My dad brought her into his class over Skype one day for her to tell his class what she does all day. He said his students loved it. Okay, so he's not that far behind if he knows how to use Skype!
I learn something new everyday. One site leads me to another. Next thing I know, an hour has passed. Much of social media is intuitive. Kids are super interested in technology. So it's easy for them to learn. Dads in their sixties... maybe not so interested, so it's much more challenging. But he's a good student, I'm up for it.