As we start planning for the new year, technology talk always comes up. "How do you plan to integrate technology?" Let's remember our purpose... We want students to learn!
In Digital Leadership, Chapter 9's title is "Increasing Student Engagement and Enhancing Learning." I'll sum this up for you. Students already know how to use the technology. In fact, they usually can drive faster than the teachers. Our responsibility is to help them understand how to use the technology on a bigger scale while learning the content. Technology supports engagement.
We need to remind teachers of the low- or no-cost tools. Without leaving the classroom, students can reach out globally. We can go on virtual field trips all over the world. Then we can Skype with another class in another country for discussion. Next, we can Tweet or create blogs to share with each other globally. Using identifying hashtags will help us share information with each other for note-taking, or for posting and finding answers.
Remember, we are teaching students to think globally, not only with the content they are learning, but the manner in which they are learning. It is our responsibility to equip students to be prepared for the job market. Employers are looking for a certain set of skills. If we already know what these are, why not teach them NOW instead of waiting for college to teach them.
Let's remind our teachers what successes using the devices will bring. Help them realize the "traditional" teaching methods aren't as effective. Help them create "learner-led" environments.
"Technology is a tool, not a learning outcome." Figure 9.4