Monday, December 1, 2014

The Holiday Season


The holiday season is upon us!  Can you believe 2014 is almost over?  

Celebrating Thanksgiving is a time to reflect, feel nostalgia, and simply count our blessings.  I am thankful for good health, a family who loves me, and a job/career I enjoy.  I realize many, many people do not have any of these things. I believe we need to appreciate our good fortunes, either openly or privately.  So many other parts of the world do not have food, water, or shelter. Let's be happy we live in a country that tries to provide for everyone.

Only three more weeks until the next holiday!  Wow!  Each day that gets closer to December 19th (our last day of school!), the student's buzz of excitement gets louder and louder!  It is a happy time here.  We love seeing the students bring gifts for their friends and teachers.  That reminds me, I need to get started on my Christmas cookies.  I hand decorate each cookie I give as a gift.

We have many fun things to look forward to at IMMS the next few weeks.  Concerts and dances are coming up.  And remember, December 19th is early release at 1:45.

No matter what your beliefs are, we wish you a very happy and safe holiday season.



Thursday, November 6, 2014

Flying Time


November.  What...?

Can you believe it's almost the holidays?  As the weather changes, the kids get frisky.  And, so do the teachers, rightfully so.  

Good things are happening at IMMS.  Athletics, band concerts, many things for our kids to get involved with.

Rigor in classrooms has stepped up.  Benchmark testing is this week.  I'm looking forward to seeing the scores.  I want to see if suggestions I have made to teachers is paying off.

It's this time of year that we have to take, what I'll call, "attitude inventory."  I feel like we still have good momentum on campus.  Attitudes are positive with teachers.  I don't hear discouragement.  

I'm very conscious of my attitude as well.  The administrative team supports each other.  We are a team; we listen to each other; we have to take care of each other.

As the holiday season creeps in swiftly, and long hours at work consume us, let's remember why we are here...why we became educators...why we are so committed to the cause.  

We are here to contribute.  To make the world a better place.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall has arrived!

Wow.  Can you believe it's the 6th six-weeks?  You know what that means...six-weeks tests! Teachers and students have been working hard getting ready for this first round of testing.  We've been busy this last month and a half.  Football and volleyball are in full swing.  The first dance of the school year has come and gone too.  And now, here is October staring us in the face.  

October is always busy with activities.  Mark your calendar for our annual Fall Festival. It's at IMMS October 25th, from 9am to 1pm.  Cotton candy, snow cones, hot dogs, music, and a soccer tournament!  We usually have awesome weather this time of year.  I hope it continues for us this year.

Don't forget, the CHS Homecoming is this Friday, October 3rd.  IMMS students have their own special section.   We always anticipate a big crowd.  Be sure your student arrives in dress code.  Also, all students need to be picked up when the game is over, which is around 10pm.  

Happy Fall, ya'll!

Monday, September 8, 2014

News Flash from the IMMS AP Office!

I am excited to announce that the IMMS AP Office finally has a new secretary.  Our office is now blessed with Ms. Adilene Aguilera.  She is actually a Castleberry graduate.  Fun Fact:  She had Ms. Wilson as a technology teacher!  Ha!

Luckily, the mechanics of the AP office are relatively quiet for this time of year.  Things are starting to pick up so it's a good thing we have her now!  Come by and meet her!

Other fun news at IMMS is that football season has started!  It's a great atmosphere seeing the boys dress up so nicely on game days.  They are proud and excited.  We are too.

The girls have their first volleyball game this week also.  They are playing at home!  Come see them!

And don't forget, Fall Festival is just around the corner.  Start watching and listening for announcements about the fun things we do to prepare for our annual Fall Festival.  It is October 25th from 9am-1pm.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We are in the final countdown!  

Only a few more days left until the kiddos report back.  Our newest IMMS teachers reported last Monday.  I know their brains are stuffed.  Returning IMMS teachers came back yesterday.  I love seeing the happiness in their faces when they see their old friends again.  EVERYONE was so excited!  I <heart> IMMS.  We are a family.  It's a great feeling working in a place where you feel so supported and loved.

Today, Mr. Jones and CISD hosted 2014 Convocation at CHS.  It was a time of celebration.  Lots of good energy in there.  People are well-rested and ready to return.  We are spending this week with teachers learning about things that are making us better educators.  I am so happy to work with great teachers who love what they are doing.  It makes their job, and mine, so much easier and more fun.  With less than a week left until the first day of school, we are checking our lists; checking them twice...  

Don't forget, we have Meet the Teacher Saturday from 9:30-11:00.  This will give our students a chance to pick up their schedules and tour the building.  This is especially helpful for our incoming wide-eyed 6th graders.  I can't wait to see them!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back to School Already?

School registration is happening at IMMS this week!  That means the kids will return in two and a half weeks.  I cannot believe we are in the year 2014, and school year 2014-2015 is here.  Time flies when you are having fun!

It's cute to see the new 6th graders come in.  They are scared, they look really young, and when asked if they are coming to Irma Marsh this year, they shyly say, "yes..."  It's funny to see the shy side, then a completely confident, open side when they get to school with their friends.

I'm excited for the all the grade levels this year.  7th and 8th grades will have their very own netbooks.  The 6th grade classes will have a set in every classroom.  We also have our very own full time campus Technologist to help support our teachers.  I foresee a very creative year!

Please continue to visit the IMMS website or my blog for information about fun things going on at Irma Marsh!

Friday, August 1, 2014

I'm so...Techy!

Our Lives Today

The last week or so, I've been infused with technology.  My most recent excitement was receiving a Logitech Touchpad as an early birthday present.  If you know me, I am not that person who waits for the latest, greatest gadget to come on the market.   I find technology as something that makes my life easier.  But I LOVE my new gadget.  I spent yesterday using it and learning the "moves" while working on the computer all day.  I think I'm going to like it!

Lately, we have been spending more time talking about using technology in lessons at school.  I really like that our leaders understand that this is and will become more of a natural motion.  At school, we will see more of "let's grab our phones/netbooks and look up..."  This is how we are living now.  How many people between the ages of 18 and 60 do NOT carry cell phones with internet service?  My guess is that percentage is low.

I'm really enjoying learning about the new apps and sites to show the teachers.  I'm sure they will react like me...have some growing pains, but once the comfort level is there, they will enjoy using it.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tech, tock, tech, tock...

As we start planning for the new year, technology talk always comes up.  "How do you plan to integrate technology?"  Let's remember our purpose...  We want students to learn!

In Digital Leadership, Chapter 9's title is "Increasing Student Engagement and Enhancing Learning."  I'll sum this up for you.  Students already know how to use the technology.  In fact, they usually can drive faster than the teachers.  Our responsibility is to help them understand how to use the technology on a bigger scale while learning the content.  Technology supports engagement.

We need to remind teachers of the low- or no-cost tools.  Without leaving the classroom, students can reach out globally.  We can go on virtual field trips all over the world.  Then we can Skype with another class in another country for discussion.  Next, we can Tweet or create blogs to share with each other globally. Using identifying hashtags will help us share information with each other for note-taking, or for posting and finding answers.

Remember, we are teaching students to think globally, not only with the content they are learning, but the manner in which they are learning.  It is our responsibility to equip students to be prepared for the job market.  Employers are looking for a certain set of skills.  If we already know what these are, why not teach them NOW instead of waiting for college to teach them.

Let's remind our teachers what successes using the devices will bring.  Help them realize the "traditional" teaching methods aren't as effective.  Help them create "learner-led" environments.

"Technology is a tool, not a learning outcome." Figure 9.4

Monday, June 2, 2014

Winding it up!

Is anyone else counting down the days??  I don't typically count down days to vacations, and I'm not sure why...maybe because time would go by slower.  But for some reason, this year, I'm ready for summer!  Aren't you?

As we wind up the year,  we have a lot going on at IMMS.  Award ceremonies, final exams, 8th grade field day...!  Before I go on, I want to express my GREAT appreciation for the custodians.  They work so hard making IMMS sparkle.  We love them.

Our teachers are working hard putting together awards for all the deserving children.  Teachers are also busy teaching the final exam details, turning books, entering grades... and I bet they are also counting down the days!

In the AP office, we schedule detentions, lunch detentions, and ISS.  As the year nears ending, we focus on processing and closing out all reports.  That means we will begin thinking about concluding detentions and ISS.  Friday should be the last day for these.

Thursday, we celebrated the grade level with the fewest tardies this week.  6th grade won this six-weeks' competition.  They earned a snack and music at lunch.  Fun!

Today and tomorrow we have our student awards ceremonies.  6th grade is Monday at 3:00.  7th grade is Tuesday at 3:00.  8th grade is Tuesday at 6:00.

Remind your student(s) that the last day of school is Thursday (like they don't know that!), and they will not need to bring anything to school on the last day.  Girls may bring purses, but backpacks, yearbooks, etc., are unnecessary.

We are all excited for the year to end, begin our summer breaks, and then begin planning for next school year.

Please keep yourself and your family safe, cool, and hydrated as summer approaches.  Thank you for being supportive of us at IMMS.  Have a great summer!

~Ms. Little